Sunday, October 4, 2009

One Week to go - Yesterday

Back Row: Bert Smirk, Percy Smirk and Viv Smirk
Front Row: Grace Smirk, Olive Smirk, Mrs Bush (Percy's sister) seated, Les Smirk, Maria Smirk with young Stan on her knee.

The second daughter of Edward and Lucy Hickson was Maria Emily.She married Percy Hymus Smirk on 27th August 1907 and they had six children of whom only the youngest, Les Smirk, survives aged 88.
Edward George and Lucy Mary Ann's first child Barbara Lucy Hickson married William Henry Pieper on March 3rd 1903. They had 9 children of whom one remains in NSW- Pearl Logan, who is 91.

This week is the last week before Saturday's Hickson Family Reunion at Toolleen. Numbers are down but enthusiasm is high for those members who look forward to meeting at a family occasion which is not a funeral. Someone asked me recently whether Facebook would replace the School or Family Reunion. I replied that on the contrary, relatively new technologies such as email, Facebook , Twitter and Skype should enhance the Reunion, making it easier to communicate and organize. It's just up to people to put the human effort into attending and interacting.
I have posted some photos from my sister Cheryl's well loved book "Dawn of Hope" which is the Hickson Family story up to 1984. It was launched when we held our first reunion at Toolleen Community Centre in October 1984. Cheryl is home for the reunion all the way from Fiji where she has been teaching this year. Her blog is .

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