Sunday, August 27, 2017

Our October 14th, 2017 Hickson Reunion at Toolleen

It's only seven weeks until we all get together again at the Tin Shed at Toolleen, Victoria. This year we celebrate the 158 years since the family members arrived in Australia. During that time there have been so many descendants of Edward George Hickson and his wife Lucy Mary Ann Aylett that it is difficult to give an exact number. It must be over 2000 though. Invitations have been posted out and we look forward to prompt replies to help with catering. It will be wonderful to catch up with all the descendants born since our last Reunion and to meet our patriarch Ron Hickson who is now 99 years young. The photo was taken by Cheryl Payne( nee Hickson). She is particularly excited because her daughter Lauren ( who often works on the Registration Desk at our Reunions) is due to have a new descendant  for our growing Hickson family in late October. We hope to see you there.

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