Sunday, October 25, 2015

Hickson Reunion Saturday October 17th 2015

Last Saturday was a great day for the many Hickson descendants who gathered at the Toolleen Pub's Tin Shed. Family members enjoyed a delicious roast lunch and spent the afternoon catching up with each other, taking photos, posing for a group photo and sharing afternoon tea.
Presentations were made to the oldest, youngest, furthest traveled, longest married couple etc. Floral bouquets were awarded to main organizer Cheryl Payne and family record keeper, Elaine Longford. Our Oldest Family Member, Ron Hickson cut the Reunion cake which was  decorated by Faye Reid. His sisters, Grace Triplett and Annice Jensen and cousins Les Smirk and Elsie Woodgate joined Ron as the centre of attention as they are five of Edward George and Lucy Mary Ann Hickson's nine surviving grandchildren.

During the afternoon we gathered for a group photo.

Our Hickson family crest was the central decoration on the celebratory cake.

We provided some colonial costumes to dress up as our ancestors would have. Lucy and Ella Wilkinson tried out some of the gear.

Cheryl Payne, nee Hickson's, children Christopher and Lauren managed the Registration Desk. We are very grateful that we are able to rely on the younger generation of descendants to help make the Reunions run smoothly.

 Cheryl took a well deserved break to eat the delicious roast lunch.

The Toolleen Pub's Tin Shed was an excellent venue for our Reunion.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

2015 Hickson Descendants' Reunion

Our next Family Reunion will be held on Saturday 17th October 2015. Descendants of Edward George Hickson and his wife Lucy Mary Ann Aylett are invited to attend the family gathering which will be held at The Tin Shed, Toolleen, which is a charming part of the historic Toolleen Hotel. It is only a kilometre or so from the site of Edward and Lucy's original home in Toolleen and is a landmark Edward would have passed in his horse drawn cart as he travelled to and from Bendigo with farm produce and supplies for the locals.