Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mervyn and Mary Hickson

Mervyn and Mary Hickson of Koroit, Victoria, will unfortunately not able to attend this year's
Hickson Reunion. They have regularly attended many of the past family gatherings.We will miss them and wish them well.
This photograph is courtesy of their daughter Ann Paton.Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 6, 2009

5 Weeks to go

Time is flying past and soon the Reunion day will have come and gone. Hopefully we will have had a beautiful Spring day and lots of happy memories.I'm hoping there will be lots of great photographs too. Speaking of photographs, I have been scanning some from Uncle Ron's book "Forever Forward".

Ron Hickson and Alma Lukander were married at Exeter, South Australia on February 16th 1946.

Ron is pictured third from the left in the middle row. This photograph was taken in 1926 at the Muskerry East State School which was held in the Muskerry East Methodist Church building. His older brother Cecil is first from the left in the same row, and behind him is Ron's older sister, Maud, who later married Charlie Triplett.Third from right in the back row is Isobel Fortune , who married Gordon Dobie and seated on the ground at front left is her younger sister Jean who married Fred Pilgrim.

Ron at Hillsyde before heading back via Adelaide to Alice Springs where he was stationed during World War 2.

Ron as a young boy with his dog Rover on the veranda at "Hillsyde", the family home at Muskerry East.