Monday, October 29, 2012

Hickson Reunion 2012

On Saturday October 13th 2012 members and friends of the Hickson family met at Toolleen Community Centre for a reunion. They are the descendants and families of Edward George and Lucy Mary Ann Hickson (nee Aylett) who married in the area on February 10th 1879.The couple raised their family on a property only several hundred metres from the Community Centre.

The Reunion Cake was generously made by Kel Bramley who is married to Edward and Lucy's great granddaughter Anne Bramley, nee Triplett. It was expertly decorated by Anne's cousin Faye Reid, nee Triplett. We are very grateful to Kel and Faye, the cake  looked delightful and was delicious.

Our new Reunion Banner stood out in its bright Family crest colour scheme. A  big thank you goes to the team of helpers who set up the Community Centre on Friday 12th October.

New for this year's Reunion were some  colourful drink coolers. They were available for purchase for $5.00 each. We have a lot left  so they may be ordered by emailing quantities and colours to . Our thanks go to James and Helen Hickson for organizing these.

Unfortunately Cheryl Payne (nee Hickson) was unable to return from her Early Childhood work in Apia, Samoa for the Reunion. She sent us her apologies and an update on her work which was read out during the afternoon. Her husband Simon was able to join us and her children Lauren and Christopher (pictured above) were a great help on the Registration desk and with packing up. They are the great-great grandchildren of Edward and Lucy Hickson.


Grace Triplett (nee Hickson) and her elder son Neville took a look through her late sister Maud Triplett (nee Hickson's) photo album.

Elsie Woodgate(nee Hickson)  at right came all the way from Beaudesert in Queensland for the reunion. She is pictured with her daughter Cheryl Laidlaw (nee Woodgate) and some of her grandchildren.

Howard Osborne (left) and his father Stan, who sadly died last year, are long time friends of the Hickson family. We are very grateful that such families as Howard's, the Griffins and Dorothy Eeles (nee Ashley) are able to join us for our Reunions. Howard is pictured with Family Patriarch Ron Hickson and his youngest sister Annice Jensen (nee Hickson).

The younger generation of helpers include L to R: Lauren Payne, Christopher Payne, Kate Osborn and Kerry Osborn. Sadly they didn't meet their grandfather, Lloyd Hickson, who died suddenly on the farm at Muskerry East aged 51 on April 4th,1977.

Linda Kristiansen (nee Hickson) is pictured with her adorable daughter Paige. Linda and her husband John live in Muskerry East is which is not far from Toolleen.

The weather stayed fine and the afternoon was filled with plenty of time for browsing and chatting.

Harry Willson who is the son of Teagan Byrne and Jason Willson was the youngest descendant in attendance. He was three weeks old. Harry's Grandmother Carol Byrne (nee Hickson) was a wonderful help on set up day and remained with her mother Alma, 90 to allow her father Ron Hickson, 94, to attend the Reunion.

Family friend Dorothy Eeles (left) caught up with Len Jensen, Annice Jensen (right) and their daughter Robyn Angove (nee Jensen).

Updated family charts were published by Elaine Longford (nee Welshe) centre. She is pictured with Glenys Jensen (nee Smirk) and Enid Day who is related to us through the Day family in Ireland. We are very grateful to Elaine for all her research and work in keeping the charts up to date. Additional births, deaths and marriages can be emailed to .

Two cousins who are six days apart in age are  (left) Faye Reid (nee Triplett) and Yvonne Osborn (nee Hickson) Born in June 1953, the girls are great granddaughters of Edward and Lucy Mary Anne Hickson.

Green, yellow and black streamers and balloons decorated the Toolleen Community Centre. The green and yellow are County Kerry's colours in Ireland.

 Receiving his Youngest Hickson Descendant Present award was Harry Willson aged three weeks. He is pictured with his mother Teagan Byrne, Yvonne Osborn (nee Hickson) and his second cousin Ella Wilkinson.

Elsie Woodgate (nee Hickson) came from Beaudesert, Queensland to be part of the older generation in attendance at the Reunion. Her gift was for the Furthest Travelled Descendant. It was a Creative Memories Album.

The five older generation cousins shared in the cutting of the Reunion Cake. Left to Right they are Annice Jensen (nee Hickson) Ron Hickson, Grace Triplett (nee Hickson), Les Smirk and Elsie Woodgate (nee Hickson).

Ron Hickson proudly held his great grandson Harry who was 3 weeks old. Ron was 94 years and 6 months old on the Reunion day having been born on 13th April 1918.

Brian Woodgate and his wife Liza are pictured with their daughter Alizah. Brian is the great grandson of Edward Hickson. He is the grandson of Alf Hickson who worked as a blacksmith at Knowsley, Victoria.

Enid and Kevin O'Toole travelled from Clarkfield, Victoria to join us for the Hickson Reunion. Enid is a relative from the Day family in Ireland. We thank them for their support over many Reunions.