Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Our aim for this year's Hickson Family Reunion is to try to involve more of the younger members of the family. Everyone can relate to their school photos and perhaps being photographed in a sporting team.Over 85 years have passed since this photo was taken.
Ron Hickson (middle row, third from the left) was one of 16 students who had their lessons in the old Muskerry East Methodist Church before the Primary School  (PS. 2108) obtained its own building(a few hundred metres away) which still exists but was closed as a school in 1993. Other Hickson descendants in the photo are rear left, Maud Hickson, Middle row left is Cecil Hickson, front left is Jean Fortune and rear, fourth from left is Isobel (Bell) Fortune.

The photo below is of the Tennis Team that played at Muskerry East's tennis court which was in the Primary School grounds. Ron Hickson is in  the back row on the right.His older sister, Maud is in the front row on the right and his cousin Jean Fortune is fourth from the right in the front row.

Now privately owned, the Muskerry East Primary School saw three generations of Hickson descendants educated there.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The times, they are a changing ... We're on Facebook.

It had to happen. We went from sending out letters of invitation back in 1984 for our first Hickson Family Gathering to this year creating an Event on Facebook as well as emailing and posting information on this Reunion Blog.