Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Hickson House at Toolleen, Victoria.

Lucy Mary Ann Hickson (nee Aylett)is pictured outside her home in Toolleen with some children, possibly hers.I had a copy of the photo which I scanned. I do not know who has the original photograph.Hopefully if and when we find it we might find the names of the children on the back.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Stepping Back in Time

Bruce Hamblin's magnificent Clydesales, Sam and Max, driven by Roger Hickson were an outstanding part of our Hickson Reunion acivities on Saturday 10th October at Toolleen, Victoria, Australia.

The Hickson Reunion was a Day to Remember

Lucy Wilkinson accepted her present for being the youngest descendant in attendance at the Reunion on Saturday October 10th 2009. Her big sister Ella and her Mum, Carly Wilkinson (nee Hickson) looked on.Making the presentation is Cheryl Payne (nee Hickson) who travelled all the way from her work in Fiji for the Reunion.

The commemorative plaque was unveiled at the reunion by Ron Hickson and Les Smirk who are grandsons of Edward and Lucy Hickson.

The plaque is fixed to the Eastern wall of the Toolleen Community Centre within sight of the original home site of Edward and Lucy Hickson.

The descendants and guests gathered as Yvonne Osborn (nee Hickson) introduced the Five Grandchildren of Edward and Lucy who attended the Reunion

Cheryl Payne (nee Hickson)left and Yvonne Osborn (nee Hickson) right are pictured with their uncle, Ron Hickson.

The weather was kind and the Spring day provided wonderful light conditions for our many photographs.

Roger Hickson drove Bruce Hamblin's magnificent Clydesdales Sam and Max. Cheryl, Yvonne, Bryan and Ron enjoyed their first wagon ride for many years.

Roger shows a marked resemblance to his great grandfather, Edward George Hickson.

Roger's daughter Meredith Hickson held her niece Ella Wilkinson as Grandad Roger took them for a ride.

Bruce Hamblin supervised learner driver Roger Hickson as he brought the horses and cart into the Toolleen Reserve.

Kerry Osborn, Yvonne Osborn (nee Hickson) Roger Hickson and his father Ron Hickson. Ron , who was born on 13th April 1918, is the patriarch of the Hickson family.

It was a beautiful Spring day for our Hickson Reunion at Toolleen on Saturday October 10th. The day was a great success and it began with a picnic lunch. We were then entertained by some magnificent Clydesdale horses driven by Edward George Hickson's great grandson, Roger Hickson of Muskerry East (near Toolleen).The horses, Sam and Max, are owned and were expertly handled by Bruce Hamblin of Toolleen.We are very grateful to him for all the effort he put into the occasion.

The unveiling of a plaque commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the arrival of Edward George and Lucy Mary Ann Hickson in Australia followed. Two of the couple's grandsons Ron Hickson and Les Smirk unveiled the plaque and the five members of that generation present on the day posed for photos.

The Anniversary Cake was expertly baked by Annice Jensen (nee Hickson and decorated by Faye Reid nee Triplett .

Lucy Mary Anne's great, great, great granddaughter who is also called Lucy, was awarded the "Youngest descendant in attendance at the Reunion" and was pleased with her gift of two books.

It was wonderful to have my sister Cheryl Payne and her husband Simon home from their year in Fiji especially for the Reunion. She helped to tie up all the loose ends in the organizing and that, together with the weather and the wonderful relatives and family friends who attended made the day a great success.
Afternoon Tea, expertly prepared by the Mount Pleasant Football Club Committee was delicious as was the dinner at the Toolleen Hotel in the evening. A truly memorable occasion.
I am hoping to add some more photographs over the next few days and I would LOVE to have some others emailed to me at .

Sunday, October 4, 2009

One Week to go - Yesterday

Back Row: Bert Smirk, Percy Smirk and Viv Smirk
Front Row: Grace Smirk, Olive Smirk, Mrs Bush (Percy's sister) seated, Les Smirk, Maria Smirk with young Stan on her knee.

The second daughter of Edward and Lucy Hickson was Maria Emily.She married Percy Hymus Smirk on 27th August 1907 and they had six children of whom only the youngest, Les Smirk, survives aged 88.
Edward George and Lucy Mary Ann's first child Barbara Lucy Hickson married William Henry Pieper on March 3rd 1903. They had 9 children of whom one remains in NSW- Pearl Logan, who is 91.

This week is the last week before Saturday's Hickson Family Reunion at Toolleen. Numbers are down but enthusiasm is high for those members who look forward to meeting at a family occasion which is not a funeral. Someone asked me recently whether Facebook would replace the School or Family Reunion. I replied that on the contrary, relatively new technologies such as email, Facebook , Twitter and Skype should enhance the Reunion, making it easier to communicate and organize. It's just up to people to put the human effort into attending and interacting.
I have posted some photos from my sister Cheryl's well loved book "Dawn of Hope" which is the Hickson Family story up to 1984. It was launched when we held our first reunion at Toolleen Community Centre in October 1984. Cheryl is home for the reunion all the way from Fiji where she has been teaching this year. Her blog is .

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Setting the Scene @ Toolleen

This old photograph is of the Toolleen Hotel back in the late 1800s.It wasn't on the site of the present hotel but further south of its present position.To the left of the photograph is the kind of vehicle which Edward George Hickson used to take fresh produce to Bendigo and bring supplies back for his customers. Apparently on a clear night Lucy could hear him whistling as he travelled down the Toolleen Axedale Road crossed the Northern Highway, over Mt Pleasant Creek and headed home.
Today's Toolleen Hotel can be found on Google Maps and using the Street View facility.One can't help thinking how old Edward George Hickson would be surprised by such technology.

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One Week and One Day to go

Time's flown so fast that my plans to update this blog regularly and feature all the 10 children of Edward and Lucy have flown out the window. Even the school holidays (I'm a Primary Teacher)haven't helped enough.I am happy to be posting this photo of Edward George Hickson's grandson Ron Hickson and his sisters Annice Jensen at left and Grace Triplett on the right. I took it at Uncle Ron's home last weekend as we put the finishing touches to the planning for the Hickson Reunion of Saturday October 10th, 2009.